The Job Creator Job Fair

Rose Monroe is using all of the knowledge she has gained from her experiences in life to help others reach their potential in the workforce and in their personal lives.

Monroe of northeast Gainesville is the founder and CEO of the Job Creator Job Fair — 7 Lookup Digital Mobile Business Cards.

She started the business in July to help those trying to reach their dreams or grow their existing businesses. She used personal experiences and did a lot of research to help her formulate the kind of business model she wanted to implement.

"Basically, I did a lot of research and looked at a lot of things I have experienced and been through in life as a single parent," said Monroe, who has 30 years' experience in the nursing field and seven years in child care services, adding that she examined the "bumps in the road" in her life and the "smooth roads," which she said were very few, along with her extensive research, and realized people need more than just to be told they need to work hard in order to be successful.

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